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DevOps Today

As software development matures as an industry, there arose a need to identify and a group a set of tasks and folks, typically in back office, that are required to keep the rest of the software development shop running. These are the folks that keep the servers spinning, repositories and build process going, plumb and connect the various automation tools into a giant contraption. The industry came around to classify the various roles as DevOps short for Developers in Operations.

This blog is a short compendium of tools used by DevOps today (early 2017).

Practical scrum for agile teams

In this blog, I introduce the concept of scrumming, which is used widely by agile software development teams. I draw upon my introspections of practicing scrum for 3 years.

ArcGIS API for Python v1.2 is Here!

Since its official debut in winter 2016, the ArcGIS API for Python has been a huge hit. The API caters to a wide spectrum of ArcGIS users ranging from GIS administrators, DevOps, content publishers, GIS analysts, data scientists, developers and power users. The API provided these users with a Pythonic representation of their GIS... Read more here

Building stand-alone command line tools using Python

You have built a neat little tool using Python. Following modern software building paradigms, you built your tool to be user friendly, used a number of FOSS libraries instead of reinventing the wheel, etc. Now you are ready to ship and you face the dilemma of whether to package it as a conda package or PyPI package or whether to send it as a GitHub repository. What if your user does not want to even install Python on their computer?

A crash course on Scrum part 1 - an agile project management methodology

Companies and organizations have never felt the need to innovate and adapt quickly to changes in market conditions like they face today. This requirement boils down to each individual team in your organization. Thankfully methodologies like agile help us with a framework to accomplish that. Scrum is one such methodology that has gained traction in the last few years. Scrum is simple and sticks with you once you start following it for a few cycles. However there are a lot of terms involved which might feel foreign, especially if you are only familiar with the water flow model of project management. Hence, in this brief two part article series, I aim to get you up to speed with the tools, terms and metrics involved in scrum... Read more here