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Octave / MATLAB - lops, conditional processing, functions

Octave is an open source scientific computing package. It has a GUI, kernel and a programming language modeled after MATLAB. File extensions are .m. This page is a guide to the octave programming language.

General caveats

  • You end statements with a ;. If not, the kernel does not throw an error, instead will echo the output of each line.
  • If you do not catch the output of an operation in a variable, a default variable called ans is created and that holds the value. At any time, ans holds value of latest operation.
  • Matlab / octave functions can return multiple values.


Variables can be assigned without initializing.

a = 1;
b = [1,2,4]; % row vector
% Use % for comments
c = [5;6;7]; % col vector

2D arrays can be initialized as

>> a2d = [1,2,3;4,5,6;7,8,9] % ';' is used to separate rows.
a2d =
   1   2   3
   4   5   6
   7   8   9

Standard matrix creation functions

>> eye(3)  % identity
ans =
Diagonal Matrix
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

>> zeros(2,3)
ans =
   0   0   0
   0   0   0

>> rand(2,5)  % uniform random numbers between 1,1
ans =
   0.86289   0.18309   0.48379   0.36600   0.63669
   0.32459   0.89961   0.79682   0.39961   0.15351

>> randn(3,4)
ans =
   1.151159   0.022623  -1.030988   0.460505
  -0.386885  -0.188437   0.339421  -1.131755
   0.573182   0.451552  -0.307362  -1.717639

>> magic(3)  % creates matrix whose each row, col, diagonal sum to same value
ans =
   8   1   6
   3   5   7
   4   9   2

Automatic map operations

Octave is designed to work primarily with arrays and vectors. Thus when you pass an array or vector to a standard function or operator, it automatically maps the function on each element and runs it and returns either an array/vector or scalar, depending on the operation.

>> squares = [4,9,16,25,36,49];
>> sqrt(squares) % returns a vector output
ans = 2   3   4   5   6   7

>> min(squares)
ans =  4  % scalar output

When you run functions on a 2D matrix, they run on each column vector:

>> sum(magic(3)) % default is columnwise operation
ans =
   15   15   15

>> sum(magic(3), 2)  % does a row-wise operation
ans =


>> prod(magic(3))  % multiply each element in the matrix. Here multiplies each in col vector
ans =
   96   45   84

>> max(magic(3))
ans =
   8   9   7

Functions in Octave can return multiple values. For instance:

>> [val, index] = min(squares)
val =  4
index =  1

Automatic broadcasting

When you operate a scalar against a vector, matlab will automatically scale up that scalar into a vector and perform an element wise computation as shown below:

>> x=-2:0.7:2
x = -2.0000   -1.3000   -0.6000    0.1000    0.8000    1.5000
>> x+10
ans = 8.0000     8.7000     9.4000    10.1000    10.8000    11.5000

Similarly when you multiply, subtract or divide a scalar from a vector, it is automatically broadcasted.

Looping through a matrix

The automatic map operations should have most things covered for you. Still, you might need to write a loop. Below is syntax of for loop.

for iterator=<range>,
   condition check
   condition check2

Note the , at end of the line with for.

>> indices=1:10;
>> for i=indices,

While loop

The syntax for while loop is

while condition,

Once again, note the , at line 1.

Array multiplication

There are two types of multiplication - element wise - which is accomplished by prefixing the operator with . such as: .<operator> or .* - matrix multiplication - which will happen when you use *.


>> x
x = -2.0000   -1.3000   -0.6000    0.1000    0.8000    1.5000

>> x2 = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
x2 = 1   2   3   4   5   6

>> x.*x2
ans = -2.00000  -2.60000  -1.80000   0.40000   4.00000   9.00000

When you want to multiply two matrixes, you do:

>> x*transpose(x2)
ans =  7.0000

Transposing a matrix

You can call the built-in transpose() function (shown previously) or use the ' operator.

>> x2'
ans =

Reshaping matrixes

You can reshape using the reshape(<arr>, nrows, ncols) function. Note, it flows elements column wise, followed by rows as shown below:

>> vec = 1:16;
>> reshape(vec, 2,8)
ans =
    1    3    5    7    9   11   13   15
    2    4    6    8   10   12   14   16

>> reshape(vec, 4,4)  % note how elements flow along columns, not rows.
ans =
    1    5    9   13
    2    6   10   14
    3    7   11   15
    4    8   12   16

Range functions

You can generate uniformly spaced vectors, using 2 methods. If you want uniformly spaced vectors, use the : operator. If you want a specific number of elements within a range, then use the linspace function.

The : operator takes syntax start:spacing:end

first_10_even_numbers = 0:2:21
first_10_even_numbers = 0    2    4    6    8   10   12   14   16   18   20

The linspace function takes arguments linspace(start, end, numPoints) where start and end are included.

>> linspace(1,10,7)
ans = 1.0000    2.5000    4.0000    5.5000    7.0000    8.5000   10.0000

Conditional processing

Logical operators in octave are <, >, <=, >=, ~, ==, ~=, &, |. Matlab returns 1 for True and 0 for False. Thus

>> heat = 74
heat =  74
>> heat < 100
ans = 1
>> heat > 100
ans = 0
>> heat == 74
ans = 1

Conditional operators also map on all elements of the vector. Thus to find elements in a vector greater than a threshold, do:

>> v1 = linspace(1,10,7);
>> ind = v1 > 5  % returns truth vector
ind = 0  0  0  1  1  1  1 
>> vals = v1(ind) % use truth vector as index
vals = 5.5000    7.0000    8.5000   10.0000

To find values that fall between a range:

>> v1(v1<8 & v1>3)
ans = 4.0000   5.5000   7.0000

if-elseif-else blocks

Jump to defining functions if you want to read that first.

function charge = parkingRates(hours)
  %Calculates parking charge based on number of hours%
  if hours <=1
    charge = 2;
  elseif hours<=8 && hours>1
    charge = hours*0.75;
    charge = 9;

The && operator is a performance opt that Matlab editor suggested. Else I would use only one of it.

Styling print outputs

Use disp to display. You can style print outputs with sprintf and sending the string composed to disp().

>> vec1 = [2,3,4,5];
>> disp(vec1)
   2   3   4   5
>> disp(sprintf("Mean of the array is %0.3f", mean(vec1)))
Mean of the array is 3.500

Use C style statements within sprintf.

Array indexing, slicing, dicing

Consider this 4x4 matrix:

>> readings=linspace(1,10,16);
>> readings = reshape(readings, 4,4)
readings =

    1.0000    3.4000    5.8000    8.2000
    1.6000    4.0000    6.4000    8.8000
    2.2000    4.6000    7.0000    9.4000
    2.8000    5.2000    7.6000   10.0000

To get the first column vector, use :,n where : means all rows here and replace n with column number, starting with 1 instead of 0.:

>> readings(:,1)  % Note: matlab is 1 indexed, not 0 indexed
ans =

Also note, I am using () to index arrays, not [] as in Python and other languages.

To dice the array by pulling 2nd, 3rd rows, 2nd, 3rd columns, do the following:

>> readings([2,3], [2,3])
ans =
   4.0000   6.4000
   4.6000   7.0000

Array concatenation

You can concatenate along rows or columns using the , or ; operators:

>> [eye(3), randn(3)]  % use , to concatenate along columns
ans =
   1.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.68098  -1.07370  -1.99950
   0.00000   1.00000   0.00000   0.19421   0.06390   0.29864
   0.00000   0.00000   1.00000  -0.03696  -0.24735  -0.18180

>> [eye(3); randn(3)]  % use ; to concatenate along rows
ans =
   1.00000   0.00000   0.00000
   0.00000   1.00000   0.00000
   0.00000   0.00000   1.00000
   0.78756  -0.22399   0.59963
  -0.93718   0.34779   0.27082
  -2.00364  -0.45362  -1.47926

Statistical operations on arrays

Let us start with an array as below:

>> vec45 = reshape(linspace(1,10,20), 4,5)
vec45 =
    1.0000    2.8947    4.7895    6.6842    8.5789
    1.4737    3.3684    5.2632    7.1579    9.0526
    1.9474    3.8421    5.7368    7.6316    9.5263
    2.4211    4.3158    6.2105    8.1053   10.0000

Find mean of each column

>> mean(vec45)
ans =   1.7105   3.6053   5.5000   7.3947   9.2895

Find mean of each row

>> mean(vec45,2)  % pass the dimension arg. Set it to 2 for mean along rows
ans =

Another way of doing this is to transpose the matrix and take regular mean.

Find mean of entire matrix Turn the matrix into a column vector and pass that to the mean.

>> mean(vec45(:))
ans =  5.5000

Writing functions

You call functions as

y = func_name(arg1, arg2);

The syntax to write functions is:

function [out1, out2...] = functionName(in1, in2, ...)
    %Doc string%
    out1 = statement;
    out2 = statement;

There is no return statement. All variables you define in the out parameter array (or scalar) will get returned. Matlab allows you to return more than one variable.

function result = hmean(vec1)
  %calculates harmonic mean of the given vector%
  vec1 = vec1(:)'; %convert to vectors
  reciprocals = 1./vec1;  %convert to reciprocals
  sum_reciprocals = sum(reciprocals); % sum of reciprocals - the denominator

  result = size(vec1)(2) / sum_reciprocals;

>> hmean([2,3,4,5])
ans =  3.1169

Reusing functions

A quick and easy way to reuse functions in other scripts is to put just the function (not anything else) in a separate .m file with the same name as the function. Matlab will automatically search for it and import it.

To hack the search path, use addpath('full_path') to add a folder to Octave path. This way, you can load a function or module from a different directory.