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Building AWS Lambda Functions with SAM CLI

The SAM (Serverless Application Model) allows you to build complex and production ready lambda functions that are performant yet light-weight. If you are new to serverless computing or lambda functions, checkout my quick start guide. This article helps you with getting started with SAM CLI.

The SAM CLI provides you a development environment that is identical to lambda execution environment. This is possible via a Docker image. Thus before installing SAM, you need a few prerequisites met:

Installing SAM CLI

The prerequisites are

  • Docker desktop
  • Shared drive space between host and Docker
  • Homebrew

The SAM installation guide walks you through the steps involved for various platforms. After installation, you need to configure it with your AWS account info as explained here

>> sam --version
SAM CLI, version 1.31.0

When installing SAM using brew, I noticed the install is global and not restricted to a particular conda env.

Setting up a SAM APP

SAM makes it easy to get started with guided CLI set ups and deploys. To start a project, run sam init and answer the questions as shown below:

(aws_lambda_default) ➜  sam-try git:(master) sam init
Which template source would you like to use?
    1 - AWS Quick Start Templates
    2 - Custom Template Location
Choice: 1
What package type would you like to use?
    1 - Zip (artifact is a zip uploaded to S3)  
    2 - Image (artifact is an image uploaded to an ECR image repository)
Package type: 1

Which runtime would you like to use?
    1 - nodejs14.x
    2 - python3.9
    3 - ruby2.7
    4 - go1.x
    5 - java11
    6 - dotnetcore3.1
    7 - nodejs12.x
    8 - nodejs10.x
    9 - python3.8
    10 - python3.7
    11 - python3.6
    12 - python2.7
    13 - ruby2.5
    14 - java8.al2
    15 - java8
    16 - dotnetcore2.1
Runtime: 9

Project name [sam-app]: try-sam-app

Cloning from

AWS quick start application templates:
    1 - Hello World Example
    2 - EventBridge Hello World
    3 - EventBridge App from scratch (100+ Event Schemas)
    4 - Step Functions Sample App (Stock Trader)
    5 - Elastic File System Sample App
Template selection: 1

    Generating application:
    Name: try-sam-app
    Runtime: python3.8
    Dependency Manager: pip
    Application Template: hello-world
    Output Directory: .

    Next steps can be found in the README file at ./try-sam-app/

This creates a folder by the name you provided for the project name during the interactive setup. The structure of the project looks like below:

(aws_lambda_default) ➜  sam-try git:(master) ✗ exa -T try-sam-app -R -I venv
├── events
│  └── event.json
├── hello_world
│  ├──
│  ├──             # The main app which has the lambda_handler fn
│  └── requirements.txt   # pip install pkgs
├── template.yaml         # cloud formation template pre populated
└── tests
   ├── integration
   │  ├──
   │  └──
   ├── requirements.txt
   └── unit

You can now edit the files from here. For more info on this, skip to the SAM spec model topic.

Build SAM app

The app can be built by calling sam build from inside the app dir (which has the template.json file.)

(aws_lambda_default) ➜  try-sam-app git:(master) ✗ sam build
Building codeuri: ~/.../try-sam-app/hello_world runtime: python3.8 metadata: {} functions: ['HelloWorldFunction']
Running PythonPipBuilder:ResolveDependencies
Running PythonPipBuilder:CopySource

Build Succeeded

Built Artifacts  : .aws-sam/build
Built Template   : .aws-sam/build/template.yaml

Commands you can use next
[*] Invoke Function: sam local invoke
[*] Deploy: sam deploy --guided

Testing App locally

There are 2 ways to test the app locally. One is the simpler invoke command which builds the app in a Docker image, calls the handler (based on what's defined in events.json), reports the output and exits. It looks like below:

(aws_lambda_default) ➜  try-sam-app git:(master) ✗ sam local invoke
Invoking app.lambda_handler (python3.8)
Image was not found.
Removing rapid images for repo
Building image...................
Skip pulling image and use local one:

Mounting ~/.../try-sam-app/.aws-sam/build/HelloWorldFunction as /var/task:ro,delegated inside runtime container
START RequestId: e027b54f-86ea-4a31-83ed-ce09d83b9053 Version: $LATEST
END RequestId: e027b54f-86ea-4a31-83ed-ce09d83b9053
REPORT RequestId: e027b54f-86ea-4a31-83ed-ce09d83b9053  Init Duration: 0.11 ms  Duration: 98.97 ms  Billed Duration: 100 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 128 MB 
{"statusCode": 200, "body": "{\"message\": \"hello world\"}"}%                                                                                                                                            (aws_lambda_default) ➜  try-sam-app git:(master) ✗ 

The second method is to use the app interactively: Run sam local start-api

>> sam local start-api
Mounting HelloWorldFunction at [GET]
You can now browse to the above endpoints to invoke your functions. You do not need to restart/reload SAM CLI while working on your functions, changes will be reflected instantly/automatically. You only need to restart SAM CLI if you update your AWS SAM template
2021-09-27 16:12:15  * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

>> curl
{"message": "hello world"}%

Now, if you go to, you get back the default "hello world" message.

Deploying to production

Now that we have verified the local build works (using sam local start-api), we can use SAM to deploy the function to production. This is achieved by calling sam deploy. The first time this is called, SAM recommends calling it using the guided approach -> sam deploy --guided. This takes you through a series of questions which helps set up the deployment or cloud formation stack. Once deployment is complete, it returns with a publicly invocable URL that you can distribute to your users.

Often, you might find that some set up which works in the local dev environment breaks in production. You might end up patching the function multiple times. During such cases, you can simply call sam deploy or better, sam deploy --no-confirm-changeset and let SAM build, configure the changesets and deploy them to production. The function is restarted and will get the updates.

SAM specification (the model)

The model is specified in a template while in YAML format as shown below:

Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31

  set of globals
  Defines whether product is a Function, API, SimpleTable, HttpApi


  template metadata

  set of parameters # values to pass to the template at runtime

  set of mappings # kvp to pass based on conditions

  set of conditions # conditions, logic statements

  set of resources # stack resources such as EC2 instance or S3 bucket info or details of the lambda runtime

  set of outputs # describe the values returned when you view the stack's properties

Only the Transform and Resources is required. Since this template is derived from AWS CloudFormation template, there are some overlaps. For example, below is the template created by the hello world application

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Description: >

  Sample SAM Template for try-sam-app

    Timeout: 3

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      CodeUri: hello_world/
      Handler: app.lambda_handler
      Runtime: python3.7
          Type: Api
            Path: /hello
            Method: get

    Description: "API Gateway endpoint URL for Prod stage for Hello World function"
    Value: !Sub "https://${ServerlessRestApi}.execute-api.${AWS::Region}"
    Description: "Hello World Lambda Function ARN"
    Value: !GetAtt HelloWorldFunction.Arn
    Description: "Implicit IAM Role created for Hello World function"
    Value: !GetAtt HelloWorldFunctionRole.Arn

This blog is a quick overview of authoring, testing and deploying as simple Python based Lambda function using the SAM CLI.